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"I know it sounds really weird and a kind of romantic thing to say, but I remember exactly where it happened, where I was sitting on the bus, how I continued and everything.

The record label Innervision was going to put out the Wexler version of "Careless Whisper" after the "Club Fantastic Megamix" as early as 1983. Song publisher Dick Leahy said that while he could not stop the release of the "Club Fantastic Megamix", he could stop the release of this single on the basis that as a publisher they "have the right to grant the first license of the recording of a tune of which he controls the copyright".

As the band felt they had "screwed up" the video, further footage of George singing on-stage was later shot at the Lyceum Theatre in London.

: "I was on my way to DJ at the Bel Air when I wrote 'Careless Whisper'. I have always written on buses, trains and in cars. It always happens on journeys.

Although you and I can’t hear what it is, it may be the very thing that will make the record a hit. The success of pop records is so ephemeral, so unbelievably unpredictable, we just can’t take the risk of being impatient. But this sax player's not going to get it, is he!"

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She didn't know it was me. It was a few years later and I looked a lot different. Then we played a school disco with the Executive and she saw me singing and decided she fancied me. By this time she was that much older and a big buxom thing – and eventually I started seeing her. She invited me in one day when I was waiting for my lift and I was... in heaven.[15]

The song is a ballad about guilt and regret, centered on a romantic betrayal. In the lyrics, the narrator confesses to having an affair and expresses deep remorse for the hurt caused, realizing that the relationship is damaged beyond repair.

.. Then George decided he didn't like his hair so he flew his sister over from England to cut it and we had to reshoot more scenes."

@phoog Yes, the composer and the artist can of course have nothing to do with each other. I just find this song curious since it was first released as a Wham! song on "Make it Big" and then as a George Michael single despite being basically the same!

"One of the most incredible moments of my life was hearing 'Careless Whisper' demoed properly, with a band, a sax and everything. It was ironic that we signed the contract with Mark [Dean] that day, the day I finally believed we had number-one material.

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Explaining that after he stopped wearing glasses, he began getting invited to parties, he continued: "And the girl who didn't even see me when I was twelve invited me in.

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